Thursday 19 July 2012


Bare faced and beautiful (or not)

Hey Guys, we thought we'd do a little post on our Silver DofE experience. And let us tell you it's not a read for the faint hearted. In our opinions DofE is pretty much 90% pain and sorrow, and 10% delirious happiness. But for some reason it's always the 10% you seem to remember.

So firstly, let us enlighten you on the whole weather situation. It rained. And rained. Then there was sun. And then more rain. However in some ways it was a blessing, as it made us walk faster. So if you're about to embark on your own DofE experience, here are some tips we hope you find helpful...

No.1- SING. Seriously, it's the only way to get through it. We even made our own songs up. One entitled 'Shit, Sheep and Ticks' because that's all there is in Wales. Literally.
No.2 - On the theme of ticks, BEWARE. Remember, sheep=ticks so although it's tempting to lie face down in the grass after an exhausting day's walk, don't.
No. 3 - If you get lost, just go straight back to a main road. We spent hours looking for non-existing footpaths. WASTE OF TIME. Especially in Wales.
No. 4 - Walk as a group, not because it's the nice thing to do, but because if you don''re gonna fail.
No.5 - And finally, remember you're all in the same boat, take comfort in this. You'll need it when you're completely soaked through and smelling..erm...not so fresh.

Although this isn't the most encouraging of posts, it may sound cheesy, but it is a unforgettable experience/opportunity and regardless of the pain, worth doing. Not to mention you get to learn a little more than you'd like to know about your fellow teammates, and inevitably, friends. 

Anna and Lil :) x 

1 comment:

  1. Love the shirt...such a nice pattern!
